Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

Today I spent a lot of time working on my project and it is generally finished.  I have all the necessary information in my project and the transitions and animations seem to be working smoothly.  Tomorrow I’m going to work on finishing touches, and try to make sure any glitches are taken care of.

Monday, September 24th, 2012

Today I found out how laws are made provincially in BC.  I worked mostly on research, and added what I found out into my presentation.  I discovered that there isn’t much difference between how laws are created on a provincial level vs. a federal level, and finally found a bit of information online about law creation in BC.  I tried to start researching how by-laws are made specifically in Coquitlam, but haven’t gotten very far yet.  Next time I work on my Inquiry project I hope I can finish researching about starting a by-law in Coquitlam, add it into my presentation, and finish it up so it is ready in time for Wednesday.

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012

I can’t seem to find any information on how laws are made in B.C. (on a Provincial level).  After spending time on Google trying to find info, I’m not sure where to look.  It was a lot easier to research how laws are made on a federal level.  I seem to have hit a road block.

These are the searches I tried for how laws are made provincially and municipally:

  • How are laws made provincially?
  • How does BC pass provincial law?
  • How municipal laws are made
  • How are BC provincial laws made
  • How are provincial laws passed
  • How BC laws are made
  • How do I start a city bylaw in Coquitlam?

…but I didn’t find any useful results.

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

Today I finished compiling the information I have about how laws are created on a federal level into my PowerPoint presentation.  I was also able to work on the aesthetics.  I feel like I got a lot accomplished today.  Over the long weekend I hope to polish up what I have, and research how laws are created on a provincial level.  On Monday I hope to be able to work on (possibly finish?) how laws are created on a provincial level.

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012

Last session (Monday) I didn’t get as much done as I had hoped.  Today I worked on my PowerPoint presentation.  I added information from my notes about how laws are made on a federal level and improved my presentation.  I added more detail and worked on the aesthetics.  Next Inquiry session I hope to get more done on my PowerPoint.  It would be great to be able to finish the federal part of the presentation, and move on to how laws are created on a provincial level.