Wednesday, October 24th, 2012
Today I wasn’t able to get much done on my inquiry. I worked on my conclusion, but was interrupted by the fire alarm going off. It looks like I will need to spend a lot of time working on my inquiry at home if I plan to finish in time. I am questioning the use of a website, as I don’t know if it is the best way to convey my ideas, and am not sure what exactly to include in my project and how to make good use of the options I have. My conclusion is coming slowly right now and I’m not sure where I could get more opinions on the topic. I am having a hard time finding good sources that provide enough information on what changes should be made to Quebec / English Canada today. I have a couple ideas, but I’m also not sure what the best way of presenting my ideas would be. Hopefully I can figure out these difficulties and have at least some kind of project ready for Friday